Case Study: Architects Website - SPASE

“Architects, the day you complete your project should not be the first time you talk about it publicly”
— Nikita Morell

Revolutionising Architectural Marketing with CGI Imagery

Recently, we embarked on an exciting journey that involved creating CGI imagery for a client's architectural projects during stages 4 and 5. A different approach allowed us to visualise and showcase designs during the detailed design process and before they were even built. This approach facilitated a more fluid technical design process for the client and marked a significant shift in how architectural projects are marketed and discussed.

Visualising the Future

Our client approached us with a unique challenge – they wanted to generate excitement and interest in their upcoming architectural projects long before construction began. Traditional CAD drawings and sketches didn't quite capture the essence of their designs, which is where our CGI expertise came into play. We transformed their ideas into stunning, photorealistic CGI images that offered a tantalising glimpse into the future. These images became the heart of their website, enabling them to paint a vivid picture of their vision and engage their audience in meaningful conversations.

Opening Doors to Conversation

The power of CGI imagery lies in its ability to visualise designs and its capacity to spark conversations. These images served as a common language that transcended technical jargon and allowed our client to effectively communicate their ideas to stakeholders, investors, and the general public. Whether the sleek lines of a modern office building or the inviting spaces of residential development, CGI imagery catalysed discussions, brainstorming sessions, and collaborations that laid the foundation for successful projects.

A New Era of Architectural Marketing

Ultimately, this client's request for multiple CGI's to be produced for their website demonstrated that CGI imagery isn't just a tool for the design process; it's the future of architectural marketing. It enabled our client to build excitement, garner interest, and create a buzz around their projects like never before. By harnessing the power of visualisation, they transformed their website into a dynamic platform for showcasing their vision and inviting others to participate. This experience highlighted the potential for CGI imagery to revolutionise how we talk about and market architectural projects, paving the way for more engaging, immersive, and collaborative discussions in the industry.

Creating Synchronous Aesthetics

Furthermore, the CGI imagery we crafted showcased individual projects and tied them together with a synchronous aesthetic. This consistency in visual language across their portfolio gave our clients a distinct and memorable identity. In an industry where first impressions are crucial, these CGI images provide clients with a powerful tool to present themselves and their work with style and coherence, setting the stage for future success.

See the work in action over on their website: